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Build up the Pepdock Server


  • Setting Up Environment. (Apache, MySql, Mod_wsgi)
  • Edit Django and smoothserver

  • Add model to SmoothServer/SmoothPDZ


Setting Up Environment. (Apache, MySql, Mod_wsgi, Django)

1. Suppose Apache is already installed and working on the server. 

2. Install apxs2:

sudo yum install httpd-devel

3. Install mod_wsgi. (

    Download mod_wsgi package from here.

    Uncompressed the source package and run: 

make install 

    Edit the file "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf " and add the following lines

# add for SmoothDock by Weiyi

LoadModule wsgi_module /usr/lib/httpd/modules/
AddHandler wsgi-script .wsgi

WSGIScriptAlias /wyizhang /usr/local/smoothdock/www/hello.wsgi

# This is for the development and debugging 
WSGIScriptAlias /pepdock  /usr/local/smoothdock/www/smoothserver/django.wsgi

   Here is the hello.wsji and django.wsgi

   To test mod_wsgi, check "localhost/wyizhang/" in browser. 

4. Install django package.

    First, download Django-1.1.1.tar.gz. Then   

tar xzvf Django-1.1.1.tar.gz
cd Django-1.1.1
sudo python install

5.  Configure Mysql

mysqladmin -u root password XXXXXXX   #set the mysql root password 

create dataabase smoothserver;
TO 'smoothdock'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED by '*****';

mysql -u root -pXXXXXXX smoothserver < smoothserver.20100420.sql

6. Don't forget configure the service start automatically when booting the system.


Edit Django and smoothserver

1. Edit the file "/etc/httpd/conf.d/python.conf " and add the following lines

Alias /smoothserver_media /var/www/html/smoothserver/media

<Location "/smoothserver_media">
SetHandler None

Alias /smoothserver_jobs /var/www/html/smoothserver/jobs

<Location "/smoothserver_jobs">
SetHandler None

<LocationMatch "\.(jpg|gif|png|css|js)$">
SetHandler None


2. Copy the "smoothserver" package to "/usr/local/smoothdock/www/smoothserver/"

3. Copy the "PyMM" package to "/usr/local/PyMM"

4. Copy the "smoothserver" html package to "/var/www/html/smoothserver/"

Add model to SmoothServer/SmoothPDZ


  • Add the model in the
  • Check the model by running:
 python sql SmoothPDZ
  • Sync the database by running:
 python syncdb
  • Restart the web server



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